So what are those steps an organization should opt for when deciding to go digital? In this article you will learn the 7 things an organization should consider in order to have an effective learning strategy.
Compare eLearning and ILT:
In comparison to Instructor Led Trainings (ILT), eLearningis more beneficial when it comes to standardization, customization, convenience of access, ease of content updation, self-paced learning, and reduced training time and costs.
Understand the Indirect Benefits of eLearning:
Even if the employee turnover is slight, setting up an eLearning program still has benefits. It gives your organization the flexibility to hire trainers whenever required instead of having to stick to a fixed hiring schedule depending on the availability of trainers.
eLearning eliminates the need to get a hired trainer along with their repeated fees. Secondly it frees up expensive expert resources or manager who have to double up as trainers.
Importantly, eLearning make siy easy to learn due to cloud based access; which can be accessed by any staff member from any location.
Decide Your Prime Need:
eLearning can enable specific training courses or the entire training program. Though it would be the most beneficial to adopt e-learning for the entire training program. Since the benefits would be derived in the form of standardization, cloud support which extends accessibility, and an overall reduction in time and cost of training.
Decide the Objectives:
State the objectives of the training course to ensure its effectiveness. This will help you keep informed about the training needs and goals; at the same time on board the eLearning provider so they are well aware of your objectives. Aim for the highest the amount of clarity.
Decide the Budget:
Pre-decide a spending budget, this helps when the time to decide an eLearning partner or negotiating with potential partners comes. This budget estimation should be aligned with the market rates.
Provide Content Support to eLearning Provider:
eLearning providers specialize in content development; but to make the course development process more effective for your organization you should provide your inputs to the content. Have your thoughts on optimizing the content for your employees, your inputs will always be well received by the eLearning providers. So by collaborating closely with the eLearning provider you will ensure your objectives are being met along with the guarantee that the highly effective content is being developed.
Reach An Understanding:
Once you select Stratbeans as your eLearning provider, we make sure to extensively discuss your budget and the deliverables. We make sure there is a clear understanding of what is to be brought to the table in terms of content, design and deployment. After all the formalities we make sure we pave your way towards a happy, long-term, and easy training experience!