Innovation in IT Industry Award 2016

Stratbeans Consulting received Innovation in IT industry for its product talking pages.

The award was given under National Awards in IT Excellence on 20th February 2016.

Talking Pages is a one of its type product which helps in making the sales teams of large organizations become more effective in their field sales role. Also, the same tool is also used for delivering skill training in vernacular language over simple mobile phones.

Talking Pages A Versatile Platform For taking learning to the remotest location.

When we think of online learning and mobile learning the picture in our mind is a learner using Smartphone or Laptop. Talking pages is the only innovative technology which uses normal, i.e “no-smart feature phones” for universal learning.

Talking pages is a cloud-based technology which helps trainers and learning managers to create inexpensive learning material and assessments in their choice of language.

The key capability of this technology is that it does not require internet or smartphone or laptops, thus making it truly a versatile way of taking the training to the people who have the least access to technology.

The learner simply calls a toll free number and chooses the appropriate content for them.

Talking pages allows fully interactive learning environment using IVR, therefore, the assessments can be done simply by choosing the keys from the pad of a normal phone. Most of the people in villages and at bottom of the pyramid in India use normal, i.e “no-smart feature phones”.

This technology has been applied to a few very successful implementations as described below:

1- A chain of restaurant created gamified content for its customers, and the customers called up the talking pages number and not only played the content but also registered their own experiences. Very rich reports were generated which showed the customer interactions and also the learning outcomes.

2- A telecom company created product-related content in various languages to field sales team ( typically class 10th or lower education level) and made sure that the frontline staff was always aware of the new features and their applicability to the customer. The reports available to managers showed the gap in learning levels thus allowing the introduction of new content wherever needed.